I remember how, a couple of years ago, I used to eat one Cadbury dairy milk bubbly and drink one sugary mixed berry Lipton iced tea every single day at my school’s tuck shop. Every lunch break, the comforting sweet aroma of the tuck shop would cave me in. I didn’t care. It was my way to feel good and get momentary pleasure.

However, now that I’m more aware, even though I indulge in a delicious chocolate Oreo milkshake every once in a while, in the long-term I realise the importance of living healthy. Just like we can keep our minds healthy by positive thinking, our bodies need the same amount of respect, and when we let ourselves go, we are not respecting ourselves. Recently, I have been taking care of my health and I see the difference it has made to my body and my mind. I no longer hit the gym feeling like it is a “task”. Instead, when I exercise, I feel happy, confident, capable. And when I eat healthy, I feel clean, refreshed, and so so good about myself.

I also figured it out from direct experience, how beneficial stretching, yoga, and meditation are for living a healthy life. They help our bodies as well as our minds (something we all need help with 😅). Each time, I feel a little more grounded, a little more spacious.

What we choose to feed our bodies, whether it’s food or thoughts, determine how our bodies respond. And I think our bodies deserve the best and it’s always on our hands to take the first step of healthy habits. After all, a healthy outside can only begin from a healthy inside, no?

⁃ SaaniaSparkle 🧚🏻‍♀️

103 responses to “Healthy Life”

  1. Juliette Avatar

    I completely agree! I feel like I have always been quite good with my eating habits (though I definitely have a sweet tooth), but definitely need improving the rest. I especially want to try meditation!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bernard25 Avatar

    Notre amitié est précieuse
    Car elle me rend heureux
    Tu es mon meilleur(e) ami(e)
    Car tu es ici
    Tu m’as tendu la main
    Par tes écris tes mots
    Tu as renversé mon destin
    Sans toi je ne suis rien
    Et avec toi je suis si bien
    Cela me fais toujours plaisir de te laisser un petit mot
    Ou une image
    A toi mon ami(e) belle journée bise


  3. Bloggers of the Future Avatar
    Bloggers of the Future

    Couldn’t be more true. I’ve just stopped smoking and after a rough couple of weeks (like really rough), I literally can’t explain how much better I feel both physically and mentally.

    What goes into your body, can really mean the difference between feeling good and feeling – not clean, as you’ve said.

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Vipin C Nambiar Avatar
    Vipin C Nambiar

    Nice writing. Few years back, I spend one year in an office where I had no friends. All my free times I used to eat chocolates from vending machine in office and I gained lot of weight. And now started looking into healthy habits.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The Given Heart Avatar
    The Given Heart

    Yeah the chocolate actually relieves stress levels. 😂😂😂


  6. Upasana Dandona Avatar
    Upasana Dandona



  7. Rethabile-Marah Prudence Mphahlele Avatar
    Rethabile-Marah Prudence Mphahlele

    You got it right there 💯More Healthier, More Happier


  8. Healthy Life — – Kobcountrymusic

    […] Healthy Life — […]


  9. Rashmi Rama Avatar
    Rashmi Rama

    Nice writing. Few years back, I gained lot of weight due to pregnancy , unhealthy eating habits. And now started looking into healthy habits and exercising daily keeps me happy and healthy.


  10. Ranjeeta Nath Ghai Avatar
    Ranjeeta Nath Ghai

    I used to be a big fan of chocolate, but lately, I’ve been trying to cut back. However, if you give me chocolate and mint in ice cream or chocolate form, I can’t resist!


  11. Sweety Joshi Avatar
    Sweety Joshi

    Great! Healthy lifestyle is so important in our lives. I’m a big foody but always try to make my food healthy… Like I don’t eat pizza but I like eating fruit pizzas that are homemade.


  12. Megha Bajpai Avatar
    Megha Bajpai

    Feeling good and feeling – not clean is really mean the difference . Healthy lifestyle is so important in our lives. Nice writing , thanks for sharing .


  13. Amy Avatar

    Oh completely agree with you. You are what you eat is turning true these days because of other factors as well. I too made some healthier choices in food and lifestyle and it’s helping me to lead less stressful life.


  14. Sandy N Vyjay Avatar
    Sandy N Vyjay

    Our body is the chariot that takes us through the journey of life. hence it is imperative that we take care of it properly, through a healthy lifestyle and diet.


  15. Sarita Panda Avatar
    Sarita Panda

    That’s a great and healthy reminder for a healthy life and lifestyle. I used to have chips and cold drinks in my college days regularly but now I try not to have junk foods as you said healthy life is happy life 😍😍


  16. whatkritireads Avatar

    This is great reminder for leading a healthy lifestyle
    What not to do what to eat everyday determines your health


  17. jhilmildsaha Avatar

    Good food for body and mind- that is what we should be aiming at. Exercising, eating in moderation and doing things that make us happy are determinants of healthy living. Lovely reminder dear.


  18. mommywithagoal Avatar

    Glad you had that realisation as others grow old not understanding the need to have a great mind and body, and instead, divulge themselves into medication afterwards to cure all those negative effects their unhealthy lifestyle had given toll on their body., Way to go!


  19. makeupadda1 Avatar

    Eating healthy and wisely is very important. I also used to eat lot of junk in my college days later I started putting on weight because of which I had to stop it completely. So eating healthy and exercising is really so important for our overall health.


  20. Meenakshi Kaur Avatar
    Meenakshi Kaur

    I used to love chocolate, but I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately and I’ve started to cut back. I gained a lot of weight and now I’m trying to develop healthy habits. However, if someone offer me chocolate and mint in ice cream or chocolate form, I can’t resist!


  21. Snigdha Avatar

    I love chocolates anytime but i had to control my desire and now i have stopped having chocolates almost , even stopped having sugar as well. I feel so good from inside .


  22. yogitaamitjoshi Avatar

    This is such a great read. I agree healthy choices are hard but definitely very beneficial in long run. Balance is must in everything


  23. misscupcake97 Avatar

    I guess it’s High time for people to be cautious about their health because I believe maintaining a proper diet is essential as well as exercising.


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