Do you ever feel hesitant in forming new friendships? No one gets to know the real you? How could they? They’d never get it. And what’s the point? Because everyone who enters your life leaves in the end anyway…

Friendships are one of the most important pillars in our life. They form our support system – a beautiful sanctuary where we can share good times and bad times, and feel loved and understood. A place where we feel like we are accepted and appreciated.

Or at least they should feel like that.

If you are someone like me, however, who has questioned the questions above, I often think to myself: why do some people come into my life when they are going to leave anyway? It’s a heart wrenching feeling. It makes me feel like anyone who comes too close will most probably abandon me one day. Very soon. So why get my hopes up in the first place? Over time, though, a bitter truth I learnt is that not everyone who comes into my life is meant to stay in it forever. Some friendships naturally grow apart, and that’s life for us.

One thing this taught me is how to appreciate love even more. Once we learn that relationships may be temporary, we start to appreciate the people around us more, we want to let them know how we feel, and how much we care about them while we still have the chance to. I realised the importance of making memories worth remembering with every friend I make in my life.

When people leave or friendships fade (emotionally or physically), we shouldn’t delve into it, but rather into the lessons they teach us. Unless you’re doing something seriously wrong that pushes the people you love away (which is a separate discussion for some other time), you must remember that this happens not because you aren’t worthy of lovely friends or because you don’t deserve to have good things in life, it’s because everything in life is unpredictable and so are people. It is good to have people in your life. It is better when they make the choice of sticking with you in rain and shine. However, when the time comes and they decide to go, don’t beg them to stay. Above all things, be grateful for the lessons they brought into your life. They were once everything you ever wanted. They were once your happiness. Don’t allow them to be the reason you start to look down on yourself – someone you will always have no matter what.

Be of good cheer…because everything happens for a reason.

⁃ SaaniaSparkle 🧚🏻‍♀️

151 responses to “Everything in life has something to teach”

  1. Canuck Carl Avatar
    Canuck Carl

    Very important words on friendship. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. craig lock Avatar
    craig lock

    Reblogged this on My "Torts".

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet Avatar
    Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    Saania, It has always been one of my core beliefs that every experience is a learning experience and every person we meet knows something we don’t. You have beautifully expressed this idea and written with great depth and wisdom on the subject of friendship. Wonderful post! ❤ Have a great week!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. sunisanthosh Avatar

    Very powerful thought. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Msdedeng Avatar

    Absolutely, well said!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Island Traveler Avatar
    Island Traveler


    Liked by 2 people

  7. Florence Ezekafor Avatar
    Florence Ezekafor

    This is a great message. Good friends who stick around are a blessing.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Gregoryno6 Avatar

    If it’s true that everyone has something to teach me, then I have to say that in most cases I prefer distance learning.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Jermena Avatar

    This is an insightful post!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. kirststarburst Avatar

    Fantastic blog! I have so many friends that have come and go. I let myself get very attached to people however you are so right some people are just there to teach us a lesson and we have to remember the people we do have in your life.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Catxman Avatar

    But my hope is that friendships LAST. The constellation of acquaintances can come and go, and that’s fair, but the deepest ones should hang around. If we move somewhere else, they should move with us. If they feel pain, we should share their pain. That sort of thing.

    — Catxman

    Liked by 3 people

  12. lazione budy Avatar
    lazione budy

    Semua sudah ada jalannya

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Subhraroy Avatar

    A good friend is a mighty asset. Thanks a lot Sania for thinking over such a precious point.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Utkarsh Avatar

    its beautiful Miss Saania Sparkle , beautiful message in short , i loved a lot ..keep smiling dear..

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Words and fashion on a plate Avatar
    Words and fashion on a plate

    You are right, is very important to have love with people but some people did not realise it. Thank you for following my blog. I will learn a lot from you

    Liked by 3 people

  16. argyris446 Avatar

    Reblogged this on worldtraveller70.

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  17. tlgartistry Avatar

    Reading this gave me another perspective on not just friendships, but life! I have a tendency to think deeply into certain things which cause me to overlook at times. This teaches me that some people, things, and situations may just be there for a season but overall for a reason. Although I expect things to stay the same, this teaches me to appreciate what I have and the people around me while expecting and accepting change. Life is unpredictable! Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 3 people

  18. Karima Hoisan Avatar
    Karima Hoisan

    Ohhh I totally agree with you Saania…:)✨

    Liked by 2 people

  19. bernard25 Avatar

    Bon Jeudi A Tous
    Bon Jeudi A Tous
    “Faites-vous votre objectif de faire sourire quelqu’un ce jeudi par un petit acte de gentillesse, vous pourriez changer la vie d’une personne d’une manière que vous ne réalisez même pas.”

    “Le moindre acte de gentillesse vaut plus que la plus grande intention.”

    “Les jeudis et matins ne se mélangent pas. Rien ne va avec les matins.”

    “Une des meilleures choses que vous pouvez faire jeudi est de vous tenir pour responsable de vos objectifs.”
    bisous BERNARD

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Dee Min Avatar
    Dee Min

    Profound and wise. You’re a good example of what you’ve written—at 16 years most adults may think there’s nothing to learn from you. I’ve only just happened upon your blog and from the two posts I’ve read I’m impressed with the depth of your insight for one so young. Glad I “found” your space here. Cheers, Dee

    Liked by 3 people

  21. Swapnavatar (Bangla Hobbyist) Avatar
    Swapnavatar (Bangla Hobbyist)

    To answer your first question, YES, I am very very hesitant in forming new friendship.

    I recall, my good friend once asked me, “Why is your face so emotionless ? Do you not feel nostalgia ? Today is the last day of our session.” My answer was unusual, “Life is a series of phases.”

    To explain it now, life is like a river flowing, and it leaves behind old friends by the bank at every turn of life, like pre-primary school friends, school friends, high school, college, jobs and so on.

    My philosophical perception : “When one feels, one is inhabitant of a place, one feels emotional while changing the place. But if one feels, one is a voyager in this infinitum of space and time, one realizes one is never leaving but rather moving, like from a room to another room in the same house of life.”

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Priti Avatar

    Yes absolutely when some special friend goes from our instead of becoming depressed we need to take it as a part of our life and of course we learn a good lesson from it. Very well written 😊👌🌹

    Liked by 2 people

    1. incandescentproseblog Avatar

      Dear Ms. Manners: Colleagues persona non Socialize – Awkward – { Mean ugly south }

      Miss Manners:” Nice meeting you ” meaning Just like wind, overheard outside…. I don’t wonna be friends even just thrown down pun: south a – towards hate

      faces engraved everywhere like a light in the closet’

      The countdown continues: ”night” & drama heartbroken jews

      Lookin’ reminds of DJ; whom fed me both veggies having one dog named Lucy: it was back from the dead she live again

      37 days until… Friend’s’ I lost… ( 3cho ) William

      Yap yap, Dare should really break the pen? granted surname, Sugar Sheinlin no one regarded Supporting : 98′ crazier then a Maine coon cat

      air’s thick with crisp fog ” verses vie; I’ve texted alon3 & random

      this would kill her leaving pieces of drama heartbroken

      let go after yrs. of no return – hurs struck

      Dear Reader: You Can Now Experience the World “the mouse died”.’ Leave a message GENTLE READER: MIL

      Liked by 2 people

  23. I hear u Avatar
    I hear u

    That is the secret of nature.


  24. Dilranga Perera Avatar
    Dilranga Perera



  25. annettekinglock7558 Avatar

    Reblogged this on The Drama-Free Club.


    1. incandescentproseblog Avatar

      A Chamber Of , Anger!!


      Hearing ” grave bonding I hearing babies down the hall, toxic anti obituaries; ghost’s’ drift

      some grey zone into helping another remember… { Morticians & death curse } but, No Schindler – grasping whom cared for this bloody war – Toxic? agreed; some game wounds left shattered glass..
      The lovly dynamic’s of relationships; voices Co’h’ gan?
      Advantage by reconciliation…- I’m falling towards Simmons lost war 💃🌝🙌
      A mile; joke ” egg in your beer ” classic sharps walking sticks..

      body sources longing for cheaper 1920’s yrs of anti greed trips me back, relief of raids blazing blame though streets, viruses, eggshells, honeymoon – She’ll whisper ” you are free ” My question’s melted… Puddle of tears wade,

      chamber owls vanishing words among death;. Simmons??? Like collecting fake wax…

      Souls might table knock – one I’m home; or right here next to you waiting-

      memories of the good ol’ bad ol’ days

      that new slap in the face kinda anger roars it’s ugly bellow; kid’s daughter scilent creep – no remorse towards new games, like a video of Attack on Pearl Harbor ongoing today…

      A negative of: no clue sourcing & annoyingly inaccurate; backbones with, snubbing & moaning:” Your wasting my time – No longer friends w3 only paint feuds soaker hur: of honoured fit hurt… 🎁 no much? “” I shell think ” you give me the ” Shiver’s ”

      Schönberger to Juliska and Samu Szeged, the eldest of , followed sister Erzsébet
      Ingham Dickie
      Czechoslovakia joukowsky Hastings
      Tieg Ms. Adams- What to do next??
      Don’t just do me like that..


  26. The Write Stylus Avatar
    The Write Stylus

    “Everyone you meet has something valuable to teach you.”—And hopefully we’ll learn what that something is. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Gail Avatar

    Powerful words. Well done. 🌟✨💫


  28. yarisacandelaria Avatar

    Reblogged this on .


  29. gerlintpetrazamonesh Avatar

    Yes, everybody and everything. But some lessions you don’t like… It’s normal, too. Well, let’s hope the most of them!


  30. Arun Singha Avatar
    Arun Singha

    Among lots of your posts, I picked up this post on seeing the title. Indeed everything in life has something to teach”
    I got highly emotional when I going through your lines.
    Many friends have come in my life. They are away from me, not that our mind doesn’t match. It is the distance that has separated. Since my job was a transferable one, so i was posted at different parts of country, throughout my service life of 36 years.
    I got attached with so many colleague who became family friends.
    Now they are away by distance.
    Some have left this world.
    Now coming to some relatives and family members like grand parents and similar related members are no more.
    I keep on remembering them.
    I got the great teaching from your post that nothing is permanent.
    Let me be happy with the teachings and love and blessings and happiness i got from them.
    Thank you so much for bringing such an insightful post.
    Best regards 😊🙏


    1. incandescentproseblog Avatar

      Annexed Crimea From 

      “Thich,” pronounced “tick,”

      horror stories at brunch or in group… uncovered the drama accidentally. love bombing,” Shou says.,” the message reads in part.

      up a river, with gunfire, apostle of peace and nonviolence.”

      West Elm Caleb

      confusion as to how

      voices low

      Thay,” pronounced “tie,”

      (laughter) her look entangle strange,

      Vietnam, died Jan. 22 at 

      weeks over the holidays, opened up about her experience –


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