These are some points that I think can make anyone a happy, ecstatic and better person living a happier life 🙂

1. Always have a smile on your face. This is one of the best qualities to have in a person. Don’t let little things irritate you. Have optimism. When things go wrong, have hope and smile. Besides, there is always at least one reason to smile. Find it. As the quote goes, everyday might not be good but there is something good in everyday. Also, when you don’t smile and are in a really irritated mood, people around you like your family also get irritated. Rather infect the world with your smile and the world will smile with you. 🙂

2. Don’t waste time fighting/arguing over little things. Before starting a verbal fight with someone, just ask yourself one question – is this even important? The conclusion you will get is that this wasn’t only stupid (for something small, you might end up risking an entire relationship) but you have just wasted your precious time!

3. Be grateful for what you already have. It’s not about how much we have, it’s about how much we enjoy- that makes happiness.
The human nature always tends to want more, want what we do not have, and dwell upon the negatives. Rather try to see what you already have, and make the most of it.

4. Focus on the solution rather than what caused the problem. Everyday we go through both good and bad situations. When you face a bad situation, tell your mind that there is a solution, and then take action to solve the problem. Let’s face the fact that we get into pretty bad situations quite a lot in life! But we all know that somehow most of them end and the problem does get over. There are ways to get out of the hole, so don’t make the hole deeper by thinking that you won’t. All it requires is a little bit of brains and a little bit of patience.

5. Always have an “I can do better” attitude and keep learning from past mistakes. This way your mind looks for ways to do better, and your creative power is turned on. A winning attitude will win for you in every situation. Believe you can succeed and think about success, never failure.
Think doubt and fail.
Think victory and succeed.

6. Think about others, not only yourself. Treat others how you wish to be treated. Empathy, they say, is the gift of great kings (and queens!). Helping others makes us feel good from the inside, and this is often more long-lasting and deeper than momentary pleasure we may get by indulging just ourselves.

7. Ask some people around you what you are good at and what you are bad at (your negatives and your positives). By doing this, you know yourself better, and secondly you realise that you have at least one thing in you that will bring you forward in life. Nobody is perfect but everyone has a few good qualities within them that sometimes they don’t realise.
Realise that quality. Develop your qualities and talents to become a winner. Use that quality and let it shine

8. Take responsibilities  – like studying ahead of class, studying before doing other things like being on gadgets, overall be a responsible person. Also, on your health and fitness, balancing calories in and out. This too makes you feel better about yourself.

9. Have a hobby.
Wether it’s singing, wether it’s dancing, or wether it’s writing, have one thing, that could be anything, that you truly enjoy doing besides studies. Focus on it for at least one hour a day.

10. Have people around who truly love you.
Wether it’s your family or an extremely close friend, have a few people who love you, no matter what. They will always build you up when you’re about to break down. You will always find happiness there.

And here’s a bonus – Just look good! When you look good (not necessarily wearing expensive clothes and putting makeup – literally not needed!, just being fresh and tidy and feeling your best), you feel better about yourself. So dress up, chin up, smile and go ahead! You only have one life to live 🙂

These are some points I gathered up that, to me, feel like can make our little stay on Planet Earth a little better.
To be honest, I lack a few of these qualities myself, but this is all about learning and seeing how we can all become better individuals.
So live, learn, and enjoy!

– Saania Saxena



146 responses to “How to feel golden and blissful!”

  1. Golden Bird Avatar
    Golden Bird

    Nice ….

    Liked by 7 people

  2. johnbarleycorn12 Avatar

    You are wise beyond your years.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. The Wizard Avatar
    The Wizard

    Beautifully written

    Liked by 7 people

  4. Subbashini Meenakshi Sundaram Avatar
    Subbashini Meenakshi Sundaram

    Very wise words, truly given insight about life. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 6 people

  5. minenmineonly Avatar

    Looks like you are a very positive person, thanks for these inspiring thoughts! Love your optimism 😊

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Jonathan Caswell Avatar
    Jonathan Caswell

    Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

    Liked by 4 people

  7. MAP195 Avatar

    nice share…thanks for posting

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Saania2806 Avatar

      My pleasure, thank-you for reading 🦋

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Psychotherapist ,Counsellor, Film Screenwriter,Playwright,Producer - LONDON.UK Avatar
    Psychotherapist ,Counsellor, Film Screenwriter,Playwright,Producer – LONDON.UK

    So informative .


    Liked by 1 person


    Thanks so much for sharing this ✌

    Liked by 2 people

    1. SaaniaSparkle 🧚🏻‍♀️ Avatar
      SaaniaSparkle 🧚🏻‍♀️

      My pleasure 💕
      How are you doing?


      1. MY TRUTH, MY JOURNEY. Avatar

        Am good, thank u

        Liked by 1 person

  10. christlicheperlen Avatar

    This is a pretty good article again. Espacially number 2 is very true. And for me, I would have a number 11: Pray every day. “Cast your care unto Jesus, for he careth for you,” as it is written in 1. Peter 5,7 He makes the live so much easier, owerflowing and sooooo deep full of love.

    Warm greetings! 🌷🌷🌷

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Lia Avatar


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  12. argyris446 Avatar

    Reblogged this on worldtraveller70.

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  13. How to feel golden and blissful! — | Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News Avatar
    How to feel golden and blissful! — | Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News

    […] How to feel golden and blissful! — […]


  14. hgamma Avatar

    Das Lächeln im Gesicht
    verrät beides

    das Wohlwollen
    und die Niedertracht

    der Streit
    beginnt in uns selber
    der andere
    ob gut
    ob schlecht
    soll sich uns

    das Kümmern
    die Schattenseiten
    nicht zu übersehen
    macht demütig
    eine Unvereinbarkeit
    zu überstehen

    die reine autonome Vernunft
    weiss unseren
    das überschreiten
    mit Gedankenmacht
    mit keuschen Verstand

    alles ist nicht besser
    zu gestalten
    nicht in unserer Macht
    das sogenannte Böse
    aus der Welt zu schaffen

    der Misserfolg
    ist in seiner Bedeutung
    am Zweifel
    an der Machbarkeit
    nicht zu unterschätzen

    nach dem Sieg
    kommt die Niederlage

    die Königinnen
    und die Könige
    denken nicht weiter

    als dass mit ihrer Macht
    auf die Füsse
    der Untertanen
    der Fremden
    und der Sklaven treten

    wenn wir uns anderen hingeben wollen
    so sollten wir uns
    vor der Seele
    in uns tief verbeugen können

    der Gewinner
    will immer über
    die Tugend
    und sein angstammtes Können
    als Mensch
    darüber hinaus
    die Gier nach noch mehr haben

    die Verantwortung
    die Rechtfertigung
    über das was man getan
    was man hätte tun müssen
    liegt in der Hand
    eines jeden selber

    jede Bewegung
    in den Sinnen
    im gehen und stehen

    zeigt in unserem Körperbild
    den anderen
    was wir in unserem Leben
    wer wir wirklich sind

    wir sind uns selbst
    der ärgste Feind
    ihm müssen wir uns
    täglich in uns
    in einer ständigen
    Auseinandersetzung stellen

    Mutter Erde
    wird durch unser Wollen
    nicht besser
    vielleicht hiflt es doch
    so gut man es vermag
    sich ihr und der einen Seele
    in ihren Dienst zu unterstellen


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